
Green Carnation - Light of day, day of darkness Vinyl 2-LP Gatefold

04.03.2016 Item #: PRO 042 LP Prophecy Productions

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25,49 € as member of Prophecy - Club
  • Description


The musical legacy of mastermind Tchort

One year after their debut "Journey to the end of the night" (featuring Vibeke from Tristania and the Botteri twins from In The Woods ...), Green Carnation released their second album "Light of day, day of darkness" in 2001. This was the first solo album of master-mind Tchort and contains just one 60-minute track - his musical legacy. He is being supported by Kobro (Carpathian Forest) who returned to Green Carnation after 10 years of absence, guest vocalist Jan Kenneth Transit (In The Woods..., Naervaer), a children's choir, a classical choir and sitar players.

- Gatefold 2LP (heavy 180g vinyl, black) incl. 4 bonus tracks, padded inner sleeve and protection sleeve

Bonustracks (only on Gatefold 2LP)
1. Into Deep (Acoustic)
2. Crushed to Dust (Acoustic)
3. The Boy in the Attic (Acoustic)
4. Myron & Cole (Acoustic)

* incl. tax, plus shipping

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