For whom the bells toll in the Citadel Alunar shall encounter the Bellmaster! The particularly sinister and insidious musical and lyrical universe that Markov "M.S." Soroka is continuously creating with his various projects AUREOLE and TCHORNOBOG as well as ETERNIUM, KRUKH, and DROWN is enriched by a new chapter: The third AUREOLE full-length "Alunarian Bellmaster" differs stylistically from its direct predecessor "Aurora Borealis" (2016) in atmosphere and feeling. The album returns to the spirit of the 2014 debut "Alunar" albeit as a more advanced version with the added experience regarding production techniques and conceptual writing that Soroka has acquired over the years. Armed with a vicious sound, the album's lyrical theme is echoed in the sound of 30 bells sampled by Markov and incorporated on "Alunarian Bellmaster". The story told on this album is part of the same grimdark fantasy and science fiction based cosmos that AUREOLE and TCHORNOBOG share. The cryptic mystery revealed in AUREOLE demands to worship the Alunarian Belltower in the infinity of cosmos. "Alunarian Bellmaster" is the most definitive Aureole release yet!